The Kidnapping

[Words Count: 2031]

Few Hours Ago (Hoisington Villa)

Ace Hoisington 

"The shipment got stolen." I heard a voice from behind while we all were having our breakfast at the table. 

I heard the footsteps coming close to me. 

"The shipment got stolen." That husky voice came again. 

"I know you heard me." He said yelling. 

"What shipment?" I replied turning back. 

I saw a man standing in front of me or should I say standing on my head. He was, Matthew Hoisington, my father and an investor; who invests in illegal business. Although, I don't think of him as my father but that is a story of another time.  

"The shipment of Guns, which was about to come a week later but..." 

"Uh..huh! The shipment was about to come a week later but why was it coming today?" I asked interrupting him in between.  

"Okay! I got it, you already know about the shipment getting stolen." He confronts. 

"Yes, I do know but again that was not my question."  I yelled. 

"The shipment was supposed to come a week later, why was it coming today?"  I furrow my brows. 

 "I told them to bring the shipment earlier." He replied. 

"Why did you do that? And on top of that, you didn't think of telling me that?" I stood up. 

"Because I was getting a good deal for the shipment, if I got it today and I was about to tell you but the shipment got stolen." He shouts. 

"Who was the one, who called the dealer to tell him that I permitted the shipment to get earlier?"

"Who was it?" I asked everyone present at the table. 

My father, my younger sister, her husband, and my two brothers no one replied. There was utmost silence at the table. I know one of them is the one who called the dealer saying the shipment could come today without the security. 

"As no one says anything, I will find him by myself," I shouted while taking out the phone from my pocket. 

"It was me." 

I heard the voice. I know this voice. It's one of my brothers. He was Daniel, my second younger brother.

"I am sorry, Father told me to make a call so I did." Daniel says.

"You should have told me." 

"I am sorry, he was forcing me and I didn't have a choice." He averts his eyes.  

"I told you to leave out my brothers from this business. Have I not made myself clear?" I snapped at my father. 

"Am I not enough for you?" I asked abruptly.  

"You are but I thought more the merrier." He scoffs. 

"Keep my brothers out of the business or else I won't be following your orders." I snapped rudely. 

"Then you better fix this mess." He snaps while taking the seat as head of the family.


I shouted to call. 

The footsteps approaching towards me, "Yes, Sir!" 

Here he is, Clay Jensen, my right hand. Who does everything as I say and listens to me. 

"Did you find the person, who stole the shipment?" I asked Clay, who was standing behind me and I faced myself towards my father. 

"Yes, we got him." Clay replied. 

"Thank god! You did what I asked you to do, unlike others they changed the date of shipment without informing and without security." I smack my lips taunting him. 

"Let's go to fix others' mess." I turned while taunting my father. 

Outside the Hoisington Villa  

"Did you find him?" I asked Clay while we both were leaving the house. 

"Yes, we got him but he shot himself." He replied hesitantly. 

"What?" I stopped staring at him. 

"He didn't want to get caught so he shot himself." 

"Is he alive?" I asked. 

He nods telling me that he is alive. 

"But he needs to be operated." He adds that. 

"Find the best doctor for him. I need him alive." I scoff. 

He started to leave but I stopped him with a question, "What about the shipment?" 

"We got it." He replies with a little grin on his face. 

"Good!" I smiled. 

As soon as we both were ready to leave, I heard a voice from behind. 


I nod at Clay letting him leave as I stay back. 

It was Daniel, my brother. He ran towards me. 

I glanced at him and noticed the restlessness on his face. I know he is guilty. 

"I am sorry, I should have asked you first." He speaks. 

"It's fine, just don't repeat it. I just want you both to focus on your studies rather than fighting or doing something illegal." I spoke while creasing his hair.

Laura Lewis (Laura's house)

"Oh god! I am late again." 

"The attendant doctor would definitely kill me." 

"She will not let me scrub in for the operation room." 

I spoke while rushing to the hallway from my room. Being a learner to become a qualified doctor one day can be really tiring. Doing back and forth from house to hospital can really be exhausting. I have been working for almost a year now. Finally, I can scrub in to watch the operations performed by the surgeons so that I can learn. 


I heard a voice from behind as I was coming down from stairs. I stopped and turned back watching my stepmother standing behind me. 

"When are you paying the rent for this month?" She asks. 

"I am getting my salary today so hopefully today." I replied while turning back to leave. 

"The rent is increased by 5%." 

I stopped hearing that, "What?" I scoff. 


The two questions I asked back to back in the hope of an answer. But, what I am hoping for? I know, she doesn't want me to become a doctor so she has been increasing the rent for a while. If this continues, I won't be able to afford anything in this house. And, I don't want to move from this house. It's been my parents' house. I am close to this house. As my both parents are step-parents, I had to pay for everything I use here. 

"I will pay the rent today." 

Saint Peter's Hospital

"You are late." Dr. Katie yells. 

"You are not scrubbing in." She says while smiling. 

"F*ck my life." I frowned. 

With all disappointment of not attending the operation, I make my way towards the restroom staff area. As I am not yet a doctor, I don't have my cabin. I am in a learning period here.

"What are you doing here?" 

As I opened the door I saw Ryan there. He is also a learner in the hospital. The well-perfect man wearing that fitted jeans with a casual shirt still struggling to be a qualified doctor. He was about 165 cm tall with black hairs lingering on his face making him more handsome. But the major flaw he had was his career. He was the only one who had not entered the operating room ever. He is just a trainer who works in post-op care, who takes care of the patient after operating them. 

"Back to earth Laura." Ryan screams as I was zoned out on my own thoughts. 

"I was late so I can not scrub in today." I replied. 

"oh! Poor you." He laughs. 

As I saw him laughing at me, I noticed his doctor's coat. 

"Why are you wearing Dr. Katie's coat?" I gasp. 

"Oh! I guess, It got misplaced, and besides it's nice to wear a real doctor's coat."  He air quotes the words while saying it. 

"It got misplaced or did you sleep with her?" I asked playfully. 

"Um...might be!" He air-quotes words again while smiling. 

He definitely has slept with her. Having a face with a nice ass has its own perk. With his body he could lure any doctor in this hospital including me and for sure he used his charm with our attending Dr. Katie. I am so jealous of him. 

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, as you were late I got scrub in with Dr. Katie." He giggles. 

"You did what?" I tried to look as shocked as I could wide open my mouth but deep down I knew it was his pants that got him in the operation room instead of me. I am upset now. 

In the meantime, I heard his phone ringing. He seems happy looking at the screen. I wonder who is it but let me guess it would be her. 

"It's Dr. Katie, I need to take it." He says while taking the phone. 

"I knew it." I whispered showing disappointment on my face. 

"I need to go, have fun." He says while leaving after hanging up the phone. 

When he was leaving, he left Dr. Katie's coat behind. And I, who was feeling pretty upset, thought about encouraging myself and took privilege to wear her white coat.   

I took the coat and wore it, but was I doing right? 


 I heard a voice coming from the door, it was the nurse who takes the call for emergency patients. She told me that there was an accident, that happened in the street and the patient was severely injured. As everyone was busy she asked me to go down to check the patient. I agreed and went towards the elevator. The elevator was shut down because of maintenance issue. I took stairs to go down. There I saw a person who was coming towards me. As soon as I tried to judge the situation, it was too late and he covered my face with a black cloth, with that everything went blank.    

Somewhere in New York (A Few Hours Later)

"Why does my head hurt so much?" I stutter slowly opening my eyes. 

As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized was sitting in a chair and my hands were tied with a rope. I tried to move my hands in hope of removing the rope but the rope was tied too tight and I couldn't loosen it. I tried to see here and there in hope of help but no one was there. I was in a room, filled with darkness, only a beam of light coming from outside through a little hole. The room was filled with spiders and their web. I couldn't see much but I could feel the dust in air and a very bad smell was coming. It seems like there are some rotten rats here. I tried to scream but they had put the cloth in my mouth. I was helpless, I couldn't move and neither I could scream for help. But, then I saw the door opening, and the light came from outside the door.     

Ace Hoisington

"Sir! The doctor is here." Clay informed me while I was having my coffee in cottage that our family owns. 

"Great! Then let's meet her." I said while leaving the cup at the table. 

"What's her name?" I asked while watching her from the distance. 

"She is Dr. Katie, the best surgeon at Saint Peter's hospital." Clay replied.   

She was sitting in a chair, her hands were tied and her mouth was shut by cloth. She was looking like a fine lady around the age of 25. Her hairs were chocolate brownish in color and eyes were of sea blue colour. I opened the door of room in which she was sitting. As soon as the door opened her eyes flickered, the room was dark and the light came as I entered. I walked towards her while pulling a chair opposite her and sat there. She opens her eyes, glancing at me. I could tell, she was having many questions filled in her eyes. And, I was desperate to answer them. I removed the piece of cloth gently from her mouth.

"Where the hell I am?" She yells as soon as the cloth removed from her mouth.

"Hello D,r. Katie!" I greeted her calmly with a little grin. 

"I am not Dr. Katie, you moron." She yelled. 


If she is not Dr. Katie then who is she?

To be continued......

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