A Death

[Words Count: 1878]

Laura Lewis

"Why did you take out the bullet?" I snapped at him.

"Weren't you planning to take out the bullet?" He asked staring at me.

"I was, I needed a bit of time." I snapped.

Holter machine beep sound continued.

"You were being cowardly, to not take the bullet out."

"I simply helped you." He says.

"I never asked for your help."

"If you wanted to help me, you could have just let me go and then find a professional doctor for him," I yelled.

"Are you not professional?" He asked.

"Are you teasing me, you jerk?" I replied angrily.

"Watch your language, Young lady! If you still wanna live, which I assume, I suggest you shut your mouth and do the work." He says calmly yet sounded arrogantly, gesturing towards the patient.

The beep sound continued...

"Shit! Shit! Shit! What should I do now? I was planning to think of another way to take out the bullet as I knew his blood pressure would drop." I panicked while placing my hand on my head.

"But you... You just made things worse." I yelled glaring at him.

"Focus there!" He points towards the patient.

"Let's charge him the defibrillator," I yelled at Clay.

I took the machine out and went near the patient. I told Clay to charge 200 joules at first. But, that didn't work. I tried a few times but his heart rate stopped.

"No! No! No! You can't die. Please! Don't die on me." I gasped.

"C... Charge to 260 joules." I stutters.

I tried again but, it didn't work. Only one option is left. I put down the machine and used my hands to give him the CPR.

I jumped on a stretcher and took the position on top of the patient. I sat on the patient's belly. Took my hands one above the other and placed them, on the center of the patient's chest. Pressed my both hands on the patient's chest at least two inches in depth. Continued the compression a few times. Waited for the chest to take the normal position after each compression. Yet, I had to maintain my speed for each compression. After a few compressions, he didn't respond. Trying to push his chest faster made my energy drain. I was out of breath. The sweat was pouring like rainwater. But, still no chance of him retrieving. At that moment, I stopped. Breathing loudly, glaring at the patient. I had no idea what to do next.

Rage, Anger, Fear, Exhaustion, and Confusion. Mixed feelings were lingering in my head. Making my heart realize, that at the age of twenty-five, I haven't achieved anything yet. Respect, Dignity, Love, Career, Money, nothing... I have achieved nothing yet. Tears fell, as soon as I realized of him not waking up again. I removed my hands from his chest. Took a backstep to move from the stretcher. I turned and started to walk out of the room.

Suddenly he!

He responded. The machine stopped beeping. His heart rate came back. The holter machine showed the heart beating again. I stopped and turned back toward the patient. I walked close to him and saw him breathing again.

He was alive.

At that moment, I was relieved rather than happy. I ran towards his arm and sewed it rapidly. I completed the surgery and left the room. I came outside to get fresh air. I expected them to stop me from going out but they didn't. I came out washed my hands, and took a deep breath. My hands were cold and numb. They were not responding much and shivering. I had never thought that my first surgery in my life would be like this. I cried..... I cried my heart out for ten minutes. I knew no one was there so, I cried loudly letting my heart feel at ease. I screamed... Screamed while crying. Who says, I am weak? I am strong and strong at this. I washed my face to go back to the room. I turned and saw him.

He was the one who kidnapped me and brought me to save this man. Or should I say, that they brought the wrong person to treat the patient? He was about 175 cm tall dark handsome man. He wore black cargo pants and a white T-shirt with black sports shoes. His eyes were of dark brownish color matching his hair. He was standing near the door while I was crying. Did he see everything? When I cried, screamed, and shouted. Did he see all of that? I don't know how much time he was standing and watching me. I glanced at him, making my eyes contact with his. His eyes say a lot. He was an arrogant, ruthless, and inhuman person but still, he was the most handsome man I have ever seen. I think his rudeness and arrogance make him more handsome. His skin was dark in color but still, that represents his jawline sharp and facial expressions perfectly. We both stared at each other for a few minutes. Then he went back to the room.

After a minute, I was still there standing. Clay came outside of the room.

"The patient is stable now and breathing perfectly."

"You did it! You can rest in the room for a while." He said calmly.

"Will you guys let me go now?" I asked Clay.

He didn't reply, rather he told me to, wait in the room where they tied me earlier on the chair. By judging Clay's expression I can tell that they are not going to let me go. What should I do now? I went back to the room and sat on the chair. Thinking, how to leave this place? I knew they wouldn't let me go easily. So, I had to save him. There was no option for me. There was no one in the room and the door was open. I think they started to trust me after the surgery or they forgot to lock me inside. I decided to run from there. I saw my phone on the table far from the chair, where I was tied. I took my phone from there. And, I left the room and passed the other room in which the patient was lying.

I was about to cross that room but the door was slightly opened. I heard a few voices coming from inside. I stood, near the door and eavesdropped on their conversation. I tried to see what was exactly happening inside there.

I saw Clay, the patient, the one who was taking care of the patient, the leader himself, and the three new men inside. The extra three men were all carrying guns in their pockets The one who was standing in the middle seemed to be a middle-aged fifty-plus. The other two were in their twenties. It seems the other two are the men, who work for the middle-aged man. It seems the middle-aged man is the boss, of all of them including the leader. They were all paying attention to the middle-aged man. Although I couldn't see his face well, it seemed he was the most powerful among them. They were all talking with each other. I couldn't hear it properly. As I was about to run from there, I thought why should I not record the whole thing? So, that in the future, If they find me, I will have the chance to survive from them. I moved forward near the door. Took my phone out and started the recording. I could hear some of their conversations.

"I told you If you find him let me know."

"Why didn't you tell me?" The middle-aged man asked the leader.

"He stole my precious shipment and sold it to the police." The middle-aged man glared at the patient.

"Do you know how much I have suffered the loss because of him?" The middle-aged man yells at the leader.

"The shipment cost 10 billion." The middle-aged man scoffs.

"Just because of him, I suffered a loss of 10 billion, and on top of that he gave the information to the police about us."

"Do you know, how will that end up? It will cost one of my men to end up in jail. And, on top of that, I will have to pay his family the compensation money." The middle-aged man asked the leader in anger.

"It was your fault, Why did you call them to ask for shipment today?" The leader snaps back in anger.

"I asked, why didn't you let me know that you have caught him?" The middle-aged man yelled again.

"And, why the hell is he being treated here?" He asked the leader.

They had a heated argument going between them. It seems they both don't like each other well. Many questions were asked from the middle-aged man, but the leader didn't reply. He was avoiding him. As soon as the leader didn't reply to the middle-aged man, he took out his gun in anger looking towards the leader. The leader had his face turned down while listening to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man took out the gun instantly and fired at the patient.

"Pew! Pew!"

The sound came from the gun as the middle-aged man shot the patient in his head twice. The sound was very low as the gun was in silencer mode. Watching everyone's reaction, I could assume no one knew that he was going to kill him. As I was near the door, I saw him taking the gun out and killing in anger. He killed him, firing the bullet on his head. There is no chance to save him now. The leader and other members were all shocked. And me...

When I saw him firing the gun, I screamed instantly. Because I realized he was saved just now and dead after a few minutes. When I screamed-"Ahhh!", my phone slipped from my hand in fear. They all turned back towards the door and saw me standing near the door, while my phone slipped down from my hands.

"Who is she?" The middle-aged man asked furiously.

"She is the doctor, who saved him earlier," Clay replied.

"Did she record me, killing him?" He asked again.

"Seems so!" The leader replied calmly glancing at me.

The minute has passed after I screamed. I could see them staring at me and talking about me while I was still standing there constantly. Shouldn't I run? What am I waiting for? Will someone come to take me out from here? Hell no! So, run Laura, run to save your life. Why can't I move? It seems I am too afraid to run from here.

I have to run! I have to run! I have to run! I have to run!

"What are you waiting for? Go! Get her!" The middle-aged man orders the leader.

I said, a few times in my head, that I needed to run. And, finally, I bent down to take my phone.

And, started to run for my life.

"Run, Laura! Run!" I yelled.

To be Continued...

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